Network Spinal Chiropractor, Kinesiology, Clinical Nutrition
"Where intention goes, energy flows."

Dr. Doris Were
Dr. Doris Were has run her integrated health centre of 23 years from Woodend, Victoria. Dr. Doris provides an abundance of knowledge and services to clients wanting to regain their health, using her accredited professions of Chiropractic, Kinesiology and Clinical Nutrition.
Dr. Doris has a passion for empowering and achieving long-term change within her clients. Armed with a unique range of skills, Doris brings an all-encompassing approach to her practice.
Specialising in the chiropractic method Network Spinal, Doris uses the evidenced based approach to inspire healing, wellness and body awareness.
“The shape, position, tension and tone of our spines will determine the shape, position, tension, and tone of our lives,” -Donald Epstein, Founder of Network Spinal.
The application of Network Spinal is built upon a number of different approaches, consisting of precise, gentle contacts to the spine and body.
The body’s response to these contacts are profound, as they cue the brain to create new strategies. Two unique healing waves develop with this work. They are associated with spontaneous release of spinal and life tensions, and the use of existing tension as fuel for spinal re-organisation and enhanced wellness.